Saturday, November 29, 2008

What Does Multiple Bowel Movements A Day Mean


Our association wishes to advise you of an initiative to support Algeria :

Here is his message:

Bismillahi Rahmani rahim Assalam
alikoum wa rahmatullah wa barakatouh
I think the title speaks for itself ..... I am writing to ask you to help us to help. ..

We are a small team of volunteers who have decided to use our time and energy serving the needy. Installed
recently in Algeria, the first thing that struck us most is the great uncertainty which saw the majority of the Algerian population, and values of Islam that are generosity, solidarity and kindness will not allow us to remain there doing nothing. The Prophet SAW
teaches us:
*** None of you believes really, unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself
*** (Bukhari)
** * Anyone who cares about the needs of his brother, Allah will care about his needs, and whoever wears off, a Muslim, one concern, Allah will dispel, for him, a concern amongst the cares of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever helps a man in difficulty, Allah will put him at ease in this life and in the other. *** (Bukhari and Muslim)
*** Do not believe in me one who spends the night satisfied, while his neighbor beside him and his blind, suffers from hunger. *** (Bukhari)
So we decided, with Allah's help, to act and mobilize our brothers and sisters to help the poor. WHO WE HELP

We support all those in need without any preference or discrimination of any kind
We help: the poor and needy

sick children or adults with disabilities

_etc. Here
in Algiers there are so many slums and families live in very difficult conditions, salaries are very low see nonexistent. Medical care and medicines are very expensive, families are often large and difficult to sustain a decent needs of every child especially in terms of clothing and school supplies
Soubhanallah whether to count all the needs of the population the list is very long!
The case before us are always very different and we try to treat them as and when necessary according to the urgency and above our means!

** Donations may be financial: _zakat (el Fitr and al maal) "The alms are only intended for the poor, the indigent, those who work, those whose hearts are to win (to Islam), postage yokes, which are highly indebted in the way of Allah and for the traveler (in distress). It is a decree of Allah! And Allah is Knowing, Wise "al-Tawba 60.
_sadaka the Prophet SAW said "Charity erases sins just as water extinguishes fire. "
_riba: we use the interest money to build or reabiliter toilets in slums and buy diapers for adults with disabilities 100% (we must keep in mind that this gift does not report any Hassanat since this money is to base illegal!) **
material: _ clothing for men, women, children, baby
_chaussures men, women, kids, baby
_matériel childcare (chairs, bottles, change mat etc)
_jouets (small cars, Lego, dinette, etc.)
_fournitures school (notebook, colored pencils, pens, school bags, aprons etc.)
_matériel medical (drugs, acetaminophen, compresses, bandages, insulin, etc.)
_articles home (blankets, curtains, sheets, towels, dishes, etc.) **

actions: the essence of our problem is here and may Allah have mercy on all those who can help us in this: it is in fact the difficulty of getting donations to Algeria or so if all those who come to Algiers we can take with them a small bag that Nirma would be great and if those who come by car can take this example which is heavier it would be a huge step for us ... may Allah reward you for that if wal dounia akhira

** invocations: the most Help is just precious and especially your do'as .... invoke Allah Ta'ala for those people who are your brothers and sisters in Islam:
Q'Allah alleviates their suffering ...
Q'Allah eases their hardships ...
Q'Allah give them a favorable outcome ...
and also for us minfadlikoum:
Q'Allah gives us the means, strength and patience to continue our actions ...

Our watchword is transparency we try to keep you informed about our best current actions by writing report monthly activity reports and photos sent to each donor that wishes so you can see or is your donation went ...
We work actively to create a website that will showcase our inchallah and a way for you to contact us quickly and easily ... Allah ta'ala makes us into this!

If you have any questions or if you want to help us you can reach us at:

HELP U.S. TO HELP THEM ... Salam Alaikum WA WA

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Full Kates Playground Sets

StreetView the iPhone 2.2 How

The last day (22/11/2008) firmware of the iPhone included a major change in the mapping software Google Maps: Maps.

functionality of Google StreetView has been added. This feature is really surprising and can view the street, a roundabout as if you were there.

Using StreetView is not very intuitive which is why I offer a quick tutorial illustrated.

The first step is to open the application plan. It sits on the places that interest us: let's say the Place de l'Etoile in Paris


StreetView is available from the outline view or Satellite mode (it's your choice). To activate it, place a marker. For this, we need the locations if possible be referred to the center of the screen. It supports image bottom right of the page that pops up.


Replace is pressed on the mark and we get:


Note the little orange icon on the left to drag the guide. If you wait a few seconds, the place name appears Drag the marker.

If you press the icon Orange you switch to StreetView (I guess the little white man symbolizes the pedestrian who walks us through the streets of Paris).


StreetView mode requires holding the iPhone in landscape mode. The small circle on the lower right shows our location on the map. The lighter area indicates our view angle.

You can use your finger to rotate the view and discover the Arc de Triomphe:


Sometimes when you turn you see a line on the ground with arrows.


Those are the axes you can browse with StreetView, you will be able to advance in the following. There is also the name of the street which is inscribed: it requires to look down: Use your finger to it (a movement from top to bottom).


To go forward, press the arrow you see in the distance. Attention, we must advance slowly and wait a bit between shots.


If you want to go faster do not wait until the image is displayed and press the arrow again. You can press several times in a row and advance more quickly. The small circle is updated, you can monitor your progress.

StreetView To exit simply press the circle. Returning to view the map.

And voila, we made a tour of the StreetView feature of the iPhone 2.2 firmware.