Helping mothers cope with cancer
Helping a mother in Algeria, has just given us the plight of this mother, here's the situation:
"This is a young woman, mother of 4 children machallah she saw in a container town. A few months ago she had breast cancer, it has been a removal of the diseased breast. Since she
treatment unaffordable.
This treatment is that cancer does not return. This treatment ranges
over two years with one injection every three weeks. Each injection costs, 180 euros.
There are already more than a year of treatment she had, it was down earlier today than 9 injections (ie 1 620 euros).
Her husband and her family since early treatment is constantly running around every time try to raise the money and it starts every three weeks. Come
their help.
Send your donation stating that: Algeria
Orphans Association Atlas
29 Rue Charles-sample
Apt 119 93 300 Aubervilliers
PS: The medical evidence is available on request from you.