Thursday, March 3, 2011
Suitcase Locks Forgot Combination
Dammit. Tristan
Lezard is late
I am dedicated to my real job, smells, and I have little time to offer this week to the words.
I'm sorry ... first because I like my breaks where I juggle with words. But
good. There's priorities.
Next chapter: I took the liberty not to give you a specific day, but as soon as posssible. This blog is the only place where I feel no compulsion ... I'm not going to start asking "dead-line! :) Thank you friends
(es) readers for your patience.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How To Use Wellastrate At Home

Friday, February 25, 2011
Can A Queen Size Bed Fit In A Cargo Van
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Models On Only In Panty
Here is finally a new picture to show you the status of those gobs.
In fact they are finished, lacking only the plinth. These figures are
heartbreaker purchased ago ......... About 15 years. 2 of them were carved by Tim Prow (1st and 4th), 2 others by Kev Adams (2nd and 5th; personal message to banana tyrant: be calm and SMB).
I think the middle is Tim Prow also but I'm not sure. It
fera15 marius when it's finished. Published
Dogs Crushed Vertebrae
- I have no idea ...
- This guy talc, he knew you?
- No, I do not think so. We do not we met
- This is not possible. There is indeed a day after school, you've arrived too early and you have caught?
- No, I tell you. My mother watched the grain. We invented this code yellow scarf tied to the window which I have already spoken as he floated like a banner, there was no question that I set foot in the house! Oriel
- How ironic is it that history. Being kicked out of home. To wait outside in all weather conditions, your mom have completed his business!
- Your mother was in trouble at the time with him? A dark story that suddenly resurface today? Anthony asked, without noticing the remark fell flat Oriel.
- Not that I remember, and then all this is precisely the past. My mother now lives quietly in the countryside with her friend Mireille, and five or six cats. I got the phone recently and everything was fine. No, I do not understand is why is this sock on his foot remained deliberately. And it does not stick with the smell of marmalade.
- The smell of marmalade? could not help saying Oriel increasingly disgusted.
- Yes or toast ... something sweet, caramel, spread all over his body. Remains a product perhaps. But a signature scent, which does not coincide completely with the scent of these socks.
- Good. To sum up. Antoine intervenes by filing noisily on the table, a spoon with which he endlessly tossing his coffee. So we plucked a type, and more or less charred who wears socks with extravagant perfume powder and spices, then we have ...
But Tristan was returned to his inner world. While he sucked her hot coffee Élodie had just reused, he remembered the name of each ingredient used in the visitor's particular mix of fifteen hours. Child, he remembered having written on his notebook, the words: chalk, chalkboard and sponge kitchen of Mom Anouchka. He also drew a huge stewpot, placed on a stove, where a simmering stew smoking. He concluded with these words: smell clean, spicy and very strong. Now, he seized the exact mixture of essential oils: cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, cumin, a few drops of a Cologne-based Penhaligon's rosemary, mixed with a talcum powder sold commercially and scented geranium ... Well is true that he spent too much time in the kitchen of Mom ... Anouchka
- Lizard! Gosh, where is it that you're gone yet? I try to help you and you are spinning adrift, alone on your boat!
Antony's voice tore at his reflection and he left with regret its fragrant world. Back on earth. Reality check.
- What are you saying?
- I referred your smell of marmalade. You have an idea of its origin?
- No. None. But I do not think it's important. Well, on that note, I must leave you. I have an errand to run. Thank you for stopping by Antoine Oriel delighted to have met you.
He got up, regulated the amount of coffee consumed by filing a ticket on the table and, without bothering to recover the money, went off without a word.
- you plant it always like this? asked in a voice stiff Oriel, contemplating the back of Tristan through the door, and disappear quickly in the street.
- Sometimes yes, when he is preoccupied. But usually when it is concocting a new recipe. There I am worried otherwise. I think this story touches a corpse plucked a little too close.
- he still had a weird childhood. You know his story?
- Very little. At the time, the whole neighborhood knew that Lily had relations with some special guests, but we hardly spoke. People knew, but it does not mix. I also think that Lily had the art to be loved by everyone ...
- Lily?
- Yes, the mother of Tristan. I do know that under that name.
- No name. Ms. Lizard?
- No, Lizard is the name he has given himself. The one he threw me when we met years later. When back in France, he decided to open his restaurant.
- Something like, "there's no lizard?
Antoine smiled hesitantly. Remained silent for a few seconds, weighing the pros and cons, and finally chooses to keep his feelings to himself. He noticed a more consensual:
- Why not, I never knew anything, and I do not ask him no more questions about it.
- And tell me ... he has a girlfriend?
- Are you curious? What all these questions about Tristan?
- No, this is not what you think ... but admits he is still disconcerting. A murder, a strange past, and a personal life hidden. A real character drama of Friday night!
- Yes, no doubt ... but I do not want to go beyond this episode for today. Come on, we'll take the air, and as the restaurant is closed for a while, I suggest we catch up on the latest film releases. We viewed everything, even nanars!
- Yeah right, if you want ...
- What enthusiasm! So here's another idea: since you're so curious about the handsome Tristan, I propose that we invite to dinner with you? What do you think? That way, you can try you to pass through the mill, and see if you draw more than I've got all these years. Oriel
did not answer. But a beaming smile, sparkling eyes and turned his face into a radiant sign posting a "yes! "Without a shadow of a doubt. She put on her coat and took the lead, with a light step and waving. Anthony suddenly had some uncertainties about the feelings of Oriel towards him, then promptly drove this idea dark. Oriel was like all the girls: curious, small, voracious gossip and stories, fiction or scabrous. No more complicated than that!
Tristan had no urgent errand to do. He cons by a pressing need to take the air to flush his mind suddenly faced with the smell of toast. That, from the quiet moments and greedy with his mom. This, added with marmalade, crafted by the mother of Anouchka. Then he lashed south toward the river, doubling the Arc de Triomphe "miniature" of the door Saint-Denis in raising a passing gray veil of pigeons in flight, he wondered why suddenly flocked to his memory so much evocative of corona cooking? His brain to unlock multiple identical traps honeyed flavors, without establishing a clear line, while still kept his nose between her eyelashes sensitive, dull and dark aromas of strong coffee. Although at this moment he also identified in a split second, the smell of popcorn with garlic and pigeon droppings, the peppery remugle human urine and butterfat flavors of a fox's tail of alcoholics anonymous. Annoyed, vaguely disgusted, he shut up his nose between his hands and rubbed it with a quick movement and quick, as we pass a sponge over a soiled dishes. He crossed the Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle congested by traffic and, on the threshold of the Rue Saint-Denis, he stopped his walk, looked up and breathed a big gulp of air Parisian metallic and chalky. The breath of his native town brightened, his brain ceased to ride his little bike swift and olfactory library ceased to open and close all drawers. The image of the happy chaos of the nursery in the movie "Mary Poppins" came to him suddenly to mind. Yes, some scents were like the little soldier who tried to escape from his chest, and finally agreed to let the lid close on him, in a final "pouêêt! Tristan
resumed the course of his walk, nose and empty head, towards the dock Goldsmiths, where he had to complete a deposition.
Stay tuned ... ..
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Pokemon Heartgold Rom Patch Anti Freeze
Lost in his memories he did not see Antoine cross the threshold of the bar, accompanied by his pretty brunette, with which it seemed, he had decided to spend some time. The latter immediately spotted the table behind where Tristan had his habits. Crossing the short distance between them, Antoine noticed the eyebrows that streaked by a black friend of his forehead, and jaw contracted: Lizard's nose on his second coffee, and in general it was a sign of aside to himself, he was unwise to pull it out. Even the waitress, who languished after him, passed away. Anthony approached, advanced a third chair for his wife, sat beside her and asked in a tone of quiet Tristan tell him the whole story, as if they were pursuing a harmless conversation. Tristan
surprised, opened his mouth to begin to discharge his bad temper, arises when the waitress to take control of the newcomers. Anthony turned to her with a grin.
- Élodie Hello, how are you today? But tell me you're beautiful!
- Hello Anthony. Nice to see you. Hello Mademoiselle. What do you take?
- Two coffees for us and you, Tristan, another coffee to smell?
- Yes. Why not, it's a good idea.
- Then three cafes, Elodie please.
- It works!
- I wonder if one day you will end up languishing Élodie out a single word from you!
- I know Anthony. I noticed her insistence, but no. I have other things to do than waste my time on this ground. Family and kids is not my thing. I prefer conversation pans, he finished in a slanted smile.
- Well, your friend is certainly not a talker, but when he deigns to smile, it's true that little girls must resist it!
- Oriel, I beg you to set aside that kind of compliment to me. Fortunately, most of the time, Tristan's mouth is. Otherwise, it's true that I will have no luck with the fairer sex that we meet or who frequent this restaurant. Moreover, to put it frankly, I think we would not have retained the loyalty of our customers if I did not spend all my energy to seduce the room when the chef is happy to isolate themselves as a bear behind the wall of her kitchen.
- It what may soon happen to us ... the definitive closure due to a corpse in the closet! Noticed no joke, Tristan.
- You have an idea of his identity?
- Yes. For two minutes. I realized just before your arrival
- Tell ...
- Because of its odor.
- What do you smell? exclaimed Oriel intrigued. You're not serious ...
- I sniffed the corpse, the stench pleasant intrigued. Especially in the feet. One thing bothers me. He kept a sock on it, intact, which suffered no trace of burns. A sock clean and fragrant. So I tried to remember where I had crossed that smell ... frown
Oriel showed a doubtful, slightly disgusted. Antoine had reported in a few words during the journey, the gruesome discovery of the morning: the body naked, shaved and burned. But he had not mentioned the smell of exquisite corpse.
Antoine Tristan knew from childhood was not surprised by the turn of his analysis. By cons, he was intrigued by the direction of his thinking, because he knew the crazy kitchen, its sensitivity to rare and finicky tastes and odors, dexterity facing the stove, he knew little about the individual and his private bubble. Tristan revealed little, always found a way to feint and kick into touch, and concluded a conversation in which he did not wish to answer, by a long silence, then a soft look, but completely closed. When they were children, this silence offered a haven of peace Tristan Anthony respected, as the game resumed his duties soon. Today when everyone ran his boat, Antoine worried sometimes the discretion of its extreme boyfriend. How Furniture those rare moments he leave? Was he really happy outside his kitchen?
Tristan continued its momentum:
- I came across this type during my childhood. I've never seen it, but I know his smell. The scent of her very special socks. Do not ask me how or why, I do not answer. But it is a fact. For years, he came to visit my mother. And the smell was still hours after he left.
- One of your "uncle"? Asked Anthony, who remembered for having crossed regularly in the district, the many lovers Tristan's mom.
- The main, no doubt. Certainly the most consistent. I remember he had a strange habit. He perfumed his shoes: he sprinkled talcum his shoes to avoid sweating. He loved my mother to explain at length his secret recipe, which he was quite proud. It had taken years to find the right mix. It improves the talcum powder, a combination of spices, to which he added a few drops of fragrance English, which he appreciated the elegant signature. But I can not remember his name. My mother spoke of him, calling him his nickname, something of a writer who had fallen on to his birth. Rousseau? Apollinaire? He spent more time in the week, and had never finished at the time of leaving school! I always had to watch the window, check if the coast was clear: my mother removed the scarf tied at the railing. This type was taking his time, talking endlessly, and left the apartment when you could still smell refined his socks! The number of times I've dragged trouble in the street at the foot of our building ... sometimes, I finally come home with you Anthony, you remember?
- Yes, but I did not know the reason at that time. Oriel
spoke in a soft voice.
- You were so lonely at that time? It's a strange life still for a little boy, staying in the street while successive passages lovers. You do not want your mother to abandon you, and allow these men to move in a rush?
- No. Probably because I knew she loved me, she protected me in his own way and with its means.
- And you had no other friend Anthony?
- If there was Momo whose father ran a grocery store next to the building. We would steal candy and fruit, then I make cakes in the kitchen of Antony, when his mother was away for her friends or go to the hairdresser ... Ah! Damn wood!
In a scraping of chairs, Tristan drew back quickly to avoid the trough of hot coffee which nearly spill onto the knees. Élodie brought the instant control when one of the cups had slipped from his saucer, to abut on the table, releasing the dark liquid.
- Oh! Sorry, I'm really sorry ... I do not know where I was head. Wait, I come back I'll get a sponge and wipe all liquid
- No. One moment, do not disturb. Take this.
Lizard handed him a napkin that he had withdrawn a few hours earlier of his restaurant, rubbing the traces of gasoline had so embarrassed before the gruesome discovery.
Élodie took the towel, she slipped a ball format quickly in the pocket of her apron, and went to fetch a wipe to clean the mess. She returned quickly and put away the traces of his thoughtlessness. She knew she had not paid attention to his gestures, when she deposited the cup on the table because she had chosen to admire the dark curls and wide nose, her suitor indifferent. The only good news of his blunder was that she had met her eyes briefly, when he had stretched the yellow towel. Which retained its scent. The scent of his hands. She would cherish that piece of tissue and long hours dreaming stories impossible, but soft .... Long sigh.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Using The E Port On Ldvd81
My PC is in the roads then it will be satisfied with the opportunities my HTC desire (in fact, it's cool Android) until I can fix it.
I gathered from different brands Goblin Spearmen (heartbreaker, Ilyad, Fenryll and GW) to complete my units painted.
That's where I got tonight.
Suite soon ... Published
Kates Playgroundzipsets

You have till March, 7 to submit a card created from our sketch, using at least one Magenta product, papers, stamps, embellishments, Peel Off's, chipboard or other.
Submit a link to your creation,
the winner will get POPULAR PRODUCTS from Magenta!!!

http://pascaloupassion-scrap.blogspot. com /

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Cervix Is * During Early Pregnancy

Monday, February 14, 2011
Pokemon Light Platinum Gameshark Cheats
For this special day, I made a card Magenta With The newest products.
NEW! Chipboard Heart Magenta / Heart (CB642)
NEW! Etampes Magenta / Magenta Stamps (42.081.J & 07.544.F)
Others / Others :
acrylic / acrylic paint
glitter ribbon / ribbon
flower / flower
embossing powder / embossing powder
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Mera Naam Joker Rishi Kapoor Hot
Yesterday evening there was a tournament at Eden Starplayer. Bands will be imposed stigma ... After taking inventory of my figurines and stigmas available (Each fighter of Eden to a faction-aligned double stigma), I hesitated to play chaos, destruction or alteration.
change has seemed more versatile especially with the addition of Mark's convoy as follows:
Good ... I was not alone in having thought ... Kromdur change had a stigma composed of Mark Yorg, N'gwane, Elenia, Gaki; Gurhal had Mark N'gobo, N'gwane, Grush, Dewey and I had Mark Yorg, N'gwane, Grush, Fifi ...
We finish the first 3 places ... The winning idea is the gaki to scenarios with goals (no beam ceilings). Published
Friday, February 11, 2011
Make Sentence With Condole
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Where Can I Buy Big Shoes In Malaysia
The story begins like this.
She approaches the body. Aspire measured in small doses every facet of their skin, their clothes, their lives. She smiles and they do not understand. They fear it will be fun or it does not take seriously. Then they go away. And she found the empty nose, hands useless.
She hears that her nose is disturbing. Always browse and analyze their human odor. Curiosity disconcerting because it absorbs the facts of their actions. Displaced woman, unchaste and indiscreet. You never know.
man suddenly permeated by the smell discovery is suddenly very free. My
smell bother you? I ate something? My deodorant kidding? Hey, stop walking your nose on me like that! Ah? You do not like? No, it tickles, and the more it bothers me. Yes, but yet you feel good. You know you're really weird as a girl? No, I do not know.
He gets dressed, puts on his jacket as if he suddenly felt cold and his head buried in his shoulders, he took the door and pull speed. She hears
to decrease, down the stairs at full speed
Lying on her bed, she grabs a notebook moleskin underneath the cabinet and then set a few lines, the brand of detergent, fabric softener, shampoo and shower gel , shaving cream, deodorant, soothing cream, styling gel for hair, toothpaste and toilet water. She also notes the menu for breakfast: coffee / toast + jam of figs, and finally scored his subway ride. It concludes that prior to joining, he gave a kiss to a girl very fragrant.
stories that begin like this, she has several books
But none beyond the first chapter. Snippets
odors and ends lives.
Do not think it is unfortunate
Sometimes it takes one of those old notebooks and savor the words. Forgotten smells. She smiled it felt awfully good.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Free Open Gyms In Nyc
- Good! Exclaimed she snorted, as if to drive the knot that formed in the flow of his thoughts.
She exchanged a look of complicity with his assistant, sighed again, and asked him.
- I think it will further examine our restaurant. I held this evening, when will the office and must also verify that it has really no relationship to the victim, and probe the network, whether Voltaire was in a bad patch lately. Thou canst load please? That
. It was exactly this trait, he liked her. She told you, thank you, please, hello and I pray you, as soon as she spoke to someone from his entourage. Basic politeness, completely disappeared in the building for decades, due to reports of virile and effective, even among colleagues. He blamed its sensitivity. She responded with ways more affable, and landed the next day with shoes with heels higher than yesterday. During interrogation, she could be of infinite patience. Flexible and pugnacious. She kept her calm, indifferent to long periods of silence. Questioned, with a sense of politeness and respect that his colleagues made him nervous, and softened the suspect. Suddenly, on a trivial pretext, she left the room, and left the field open to the colleague that triggers its questionnaire, closed doors: Threat, yell, punch on the table, creaking of chairs. Then nothing. Silence. Rule Generally, it reminded FG after half an hour, at the request of the suspect, and the guy unpacked everything, without being asked nicely and well. Well, yes, it did not. Be many exceptions. But generally, his tactic had proven, and forced over the years, the respect, if not the admiration, the other cops of the building.
- OK, I'll do it. I'll let you regain the office?
- Yes. See you later. From my side, I'll walk a little longer. Gaëtan
planting there, and rushed into the first subway visible on the main boulevard. France continued to not quiet This time, his walk thoughtful, and engaged in a street that joined after a long walk, the Rue de Rivoli.
*** Meanwhile, Tristan, resigned, had just finished closing the gates on the scene of the drama. A drastic cleaning was done by specialists under the following afternoon. He then planned a timeout - the pun does cheered point - in order to ventilate and allow the stench of dead and disinfectant, to disappear. He especially wanted to return to the furnaces as soon as possible, to work a full day and part of the night if necessary, to make roast studded with garlic, simmered dishes, saturated with wine and spices, kneading and brown buns impregnated with orange blossoms, with golden, very sweet to fire, pounds of butter, to obtain this beautiful steam hazelnut, chopping knife whole bunches of basil, tarragon and mint, and thus coat the walls and beams of invisible scented syrup and smear tablecloths and curtains, aromatic constellations. Tristan wanted to paint, at once pots, wire whip, and a generous ladle of movement, its restaurant and soothing fragrance of abundant, to eradicate this terrible discovery in the sweet fragrance.
He hoped at best for the reopening this weekend. But he doubted it. Meanwhile, he did not know what to do with this empty, suddenly appeared in his daily routine artfully arranged. Rooted from dawn until evening, around the creation and implementation of two recipes: search and selection of ingredients, preparation and just cooked. Instinctively, he reached into his jacket pocket his phone, and reminded Anthony that he had joined shortly after his phone call to police, saying he had changed his mind, he would appreciate finally his presence. "We gotta talk. I'm at the pub, join me as soon as you can. " It
putting up his laptop and staring into space, led by the following observation: in the end, he had time to reflect on this strange morning. He walked with rapid steps to the porch of the Rue des Petites Stables that opened on the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis and, deaf to the crowd standing in this long and narrow artery, indifferent to the many signs of recognition that these Nearby shops were sending him, he traced his trail and tried to regain his train of thought, where his nose left off.
He tried to remember when he had crossed this particular smell. This fine balance, he managed to isolate the most complex and extensive blend of jam and bread that welled lost body, which was at the end of the legs of the victim. He had crossed that signature to a period of his life, daily. It was the rendezvous of what time? At that time, any young child, he spent part of his afternoon of Wednesday, and his days on Saturday, in a cupboard at the bottom of the large houses where they lived, his mother and himself. A small two-room, placed near the Sacred Heart, balance on a very steep street. The building was heeling squarely to the left, and it amused the visitors who were at Mom's place, an air roller coaster. The stairs were really twisted, while the door frame leading into the entrance of the apartment no longer coincided with the long line. It sometimes happened that some visitors a little too big brush against their hair, the ceiling lower and lower to the bathroom. Cramped cubbyhole, smell musty permanent sinking slowly but surely toward a trench dug underground as a Swiss cheese, the hill of Montmartre. A Housing, which had become over the years, a vast field of curiosity. In this piece, which took the place of living to do everything and bedroom, there stood, leaning against the wall near the entrance and away from the bed, through a judicious arrangement of three screens on which his mom forgot deliberately visits to withdraw some lace stockings and a huge wardrobe, a legacy of great aunt who had lived in the colonies, and whose wooden doors, a beautiful dark red, were carefully perforated to allow free movement air. Locked indoors He distinguished nothing and remained hidden from the eyes of others. A soft shadows enabled him to play or read quietly away in this tiny cabin fitted snugly, while the men talked of passage with her mom. Tristan and had developed a secret game. Unable to see the visitors, but curious to differentiate them, he had learned to recognize each in their fragrance. And over the years, he had memorized as a succession of details, features seductive, strange or ridiculous, which he then translated into a school exercise book, a transcript very personal: a sequence of words, phrase, or drawings, to evoke the smell of the unknown. Opposite each description matched a lover, called the time of his appointment. Sometimes, but that was rare, the schedule was moved. The smell persisted. Although the scent of soap or aftershave changed the character of the epidermis and hair remained more or less constant. The nose of the little boy had sharpened up power cut in tiny slices fragrant anyone passing within range. Because obviously, the game had crossed the borders of the closet, and the street had become an area of choice.
Tristan opened the door of Cafe on Mauri7 "and failed to upset the waitress who greeted him with a cheerful hello and a smile. He did not notice and went to his usual table at the back of the bar, in the dark corner, where a bay window opening into the passage Brady. He asked for two coffees and a glass of water, and resumed the course of his thoughts. The pretty waitress tried to catch the eye of Tristan, in vain, as usual. So, resigned to remain today as yesterday, transparent, she turned and bellowed the command to his colleague, stuck behind the counter.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Davina Mccall 2010 Hair
as you can see I ' I have a lot of units or pieces of painted units (few orcs and gobs mostly). The plinth is finished almost everywhere. I started a lot of stuff that I did not come out for the photo. So I did not so much to paint figs to reach me 3000pts.
Since then I always buy more than I paint (it does not remake), but overall I played with armies painted with very few exceptions. My
Orcs and goblins are my first real army (in parallel, I rode a squat space marine army I have always and a 40K Ork army which I have only a few figures "collector") and that is why I always guarded, perhaps by nostalgia, probably because I have a certain affection and certainly for her because I hope one day appear uen rule fantastic game that will be meaningful and allow me to play it with pleasure. For 5 to 6 years, I was rewriting some of WFB year and then I quickly remembered why I was playing this game over the past 2 years I do not do more because I remember all too well why I do not play this game;).
Perno and Sim say the V8 is good (these are the only or almost ...) so I'll try again I have a full army painted.
January was a month without paint (JFJ, vacations, hair in the hand), starting tomorrow, I commend myself, then Waaaaaghapooy !!!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Best Place To Buy Snowboard In Ontario
this message to introduce my waaaghapooy, it is the army list to be painted on 31 December 2011 with the current status and cost adjustments (in V7). If I do all this and my other project and I still have a lot of time, I'll add units of goblins from the Battle of the neck of the skull, because it "s actually acts a Waaagh goblins, something ultra competitive so!
My general
Grom Skarsnik 255 or 205 (205) grom partly painted, not painted Skarsnik
my basic units
16 goblins on wolves (including staff) 254 (459) ( already painted)
2x28 Night Goblins Archers (2x3 fanatics, whose staff) 179x2 = 358 (917) partly painted
2x35 Goblin Spearmen (including staff) 160 195 (lps) = 355 (1272 ) largely painted
20 goblins on spiders (including staff) 290 (1562) not painted
4 Snotlings 80 (1642) painted
my special units
a wolf chariot 60 (1702) painted
10 orcs on boars (including staff) 258 (1960) partly painted
7 orcas wild boars (including staff) 213 (2173) in partly painted
1 orc shaman wild boar 86 (2259) partly painted
6 teams Squig herds 180 (2439) partly painted
a rock thrower 75 (2514) not painted
my unit Rare
a giant 205 (2729) not painted
a trolley pump 40 (2769) as lying
a diver catapult death 80 (2849) not painted
150pts I miss then I'll take heroes
a great goblin head on mother spiders 79 (2938) not painted
a goblin shaman of the night 50 + 1 Item at 10 pts (2998) not painted
here, here, I'll make a picture of the week stuff already painted, and this is evil because it is a message without a photo ...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tvcenter Vista64 Install Problem

Till You Have February 14 to submit a layout from our skit Created using at least one product Magenta, papers, stamps, embellishments, Peel Off's, chipboard ou autres.
Submit a link to your creation,
Will the winner get POPULAR PRODUCTS from Magenta!

Greeting Cards In Punjabi
- Man is closed, no talking. This story bores him visibly. Must we not love the shit! Commissioner Gomez
France sniffed quietly. A signal. A couple of old habit, to convey to his assistant that the summary was a bit short. Gaëtan norec followed, swinging arm, shortness of breath. Feel like a cigarette, but impossible to grill when a FG was going to run like this. To think, she replied. He accompanied him everywhere, waiting for the morning outside her home, left the office after his departure. We laughed, we called him a puppy to his Lady, but he did not care. It was the only person in this whole damn building, where he vegetated past fifteen years, after a circular about a percentage rate to meet the disabled had catapulted into the offices of the criminal to have always spoken to him properly. On the first day of her arrival when she took office, dropped his huge bag on a chair and placed his notebook on his desk, egg yolk at the time, she had contacted him looking him straight in the eye. Without ever making a mistake. Always the same, the left slate color, which did not move, or so little in his face. Since then, a good eight years now, he followed her like a shadow, reflecting, summarizing, ordering the chaos of her thoughts she uttered aloud or transcribe it in his book, which changed color each season. Sometimes she handed him the little book in silence, with a half smile. He accepted it as an offering, takes it home and logs all night on it. He wrote cards, which he highlights in pencil (the same color as the book) the key passages. He added the arrows to where he thought there was a link, a correlation. He surrounded by a large circle nodes remarks, incomprehensible or court of skinning. He even invented a code to designate the case closed, one pregnant, short or long term, which could be completed as soon as an additional signal arises, or that totally abandoned for lack of evidence. The next day, exhausted, but happy, looking more elusive than usual (the right eye, a blue agapanthus, disappeared into the ear, while slate usually stable s'alanguissait down side nose), he handed him the book and a shoe box Kickers red cards which contained carefully drafted and completed. Gaëtan did not like computers. He counted on his own analysis and classification, storage and cupboards, and especially his infallible memory, nobody in the office had thought to ask. Until a chance conversation with FG at the beginning of their cohabitation, when they shared a tiny room, placed in front of toilets for men.
-How you say ... He has not given me the impression we've taken for a ride. I do not think he knows our victim.
- And you? You've found?
- Yep. Michel is Drommel, nicknamed "Voltaire" in the neighborhood where he had his habits.
- Settlement of account? Yet it is outside its area, right?
- That ... I do not understand how it landed in the closet. And in what state, fucking mess of cum ...
- norec!
-Oops, sorry, I was escaped. But I must admit it was not pretty. Never seen such a thing.
- Exactly. I try to understand why this man, lizard, has not budged more than that. He was neither shocked nor pale. Nothing. Any, as jaded.
- Well, at this point, I do not agree with you.
- Explain.
-It seemed rather curious. He kept watch you while you stroll through the restaurant. The air of someone who did not touch. It looked like he was waiting for you to fall on the details, like when we play hide and seek.
- It we hide something, you think?
- Nah, that's another thing ... "he said in a mysterious tone, savoring its effect.
FG became immediately thought she was still falling on a guy who could not help but watch a cop, as a strange beast. The proof in the dictionary "cop" is masculine. Commissioner all the same. Moreover, a nice cop. It verged on caricature. He watched me? ... Pfff, well, let's see. Then she stopped thinking about it and concentrated on the vital topic that led her steps on a Wednesday morning in this neighborhood noisy and popular Paris.
Without slowing their pace, they left the Rue d'Enghien, crosses the Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle and is now heading towards the Grand Rex, they overtook, without giving a glance at the posters headlines in recent cinema releases. Absorbed in these thoughts, she does not realize the numbers of streets she swallowed his assistant on the heels.
In recent years in Paris, the settling of scores were close to zero, and if they occurred, they involved only the small fry. Without a squeak. Time to oil the hinges, to play the fist, and discard the clumsy caught by its foot in the door. Voltaire was something else. A regular district of the Gare du Nord, from Clichy to Jaures. Pimp in his spare time, quietly fiddling luxury perfume and watches Rolex types. No intellectual ability, despite his nickname given by his family since his mother had given birth on the subway platform Voltaire, a day of bombardment of the Allied forces. No shitting on Voltaire. Carefully distributing information on all fronts, just to be fair with everyone, rogue cops like to be left alone, he and his traffic. A few years of jail, to here and there. Brief. Nothing, in short. Unless have offended a relative newcomer. A young wolf, who would no longer accept the old rules. Voltaire, but why? Known to all, but by no means a celebrity in the middle of the influence and power. And why such cruelty? Such a signature? Sophisticated, delicate and twisted.
She thought of the corpse. Epil or burned? It should quickly consult the pathologist's report on this subject.
- Both Captain
- What do you say? She had not realized that, as usual when she reflected, she had spoken aloud. Well, not so high, but at Gaëtan Failing to have eyes in front of the holes, had an excellent hearing.
- Both: plucked and burned. In fact the victim was shaved by burning hair. Morflé and flesh in places. Total waxing, full leg and bikini with matches or lighters.
- How about a torch?
- Would there more damage.
to follow ....