Saturday, August 19, 2006

Grihpravesh Pregnancy


It is with great emotion that we call to help a woman widow.
Things are simple, it is either made or it is biding his time.

As you know, in Morocco there is no social security or CMU.

So for a woman without resources, whose husband died without children, that he remains as a part solution to appeal to people like us to help him live.

operation that she must suffer should cost him 15,000 dirhams to be around 1500 euros.
I have a medical certificate to prove it, plus one member of the association met.

Each person will participate in "Operation Save a widow" could meet her, I hope even go there to give him gifts and
await the outcome of his operation.

Know that each euro is a euro for LIFE.

We expect each of you to disseminate information.

The address of the association:

orphans of Atlas
143 bis rue de Silly 92100 Boulogne Billancourt

Put the title of the action "save a widow" for each donation.
Thanks in advance for her ...


Note: the amount already harvested is 350 € so it lacks € 1150
Make an effort for the widow.
We thank you for your generosity.


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