Saturday, November 29, 2008
What Does Multiple Bowel Movements A Day Mean
Our association wishes to advise you of an initiative to support Algeria :
Here is his message:
Bismillahi Rahmani rahim Assalam
alikoum wa rahmatullah wa barakatouh
I think the title speaks for itself ..... I am writing to ask you to help us to help. ..
We are a small team of volunteers who have decided to use our time and energy serving the needy. Installed
recently in Algeria, the first thing that struck us most is the great uncertainty which saw the majority of the Algerian population, and values of Islam that are generosity, solidarity and kindness will not allow us to remain there doing nothing. The Prophet SAW
teaches us:
*** None of you believes really, unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself
*** (Bukhari)
** * Anyone who cares about the needs of his brother, Allah will care about his needs, and whoever wears off, a Muslim, one concern, Allah will dispel, for him, a concern amongst the cares of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever helps a man in difficulty, Allah will put him at ease in this life and in the other. *** (Bukhari and Muslim)
*** Do not believe in me one who spends the night satisfied, while his neighbor beside him and his blind, suffers from hunger. *** (Bukhari)
So we decided, with Allah's help, to act and mobilize our brothers and sisters to help the poor. WHO WE HELP
We support all those in need without any preference or discrimination of any kind
We help: the poor and needy
sick children or adults with disabilities
_etc. Here
in Algiers there are so many slums and families live in very difficult conditions, salaries are very low see nonexistent. Medical care and medicines are very expensive, families are often large and difficult to sustain a decent needs of every child especially in terms of clothing and school supplies
Soubhanallah whether to count all the needs of the population the list is very long!
The case before us are always very different and we try to treat them as and when necessary according to the urgency and above our means!
** Donations may be financial: _zakat (el Fitr and al maal) "The alms are only intended for the poor, the indigent, those who work, those whose hearts are to win (to Islam), postage yokes, which are highly indebted in the way of Allah and for the traveler (in distress). It is a decree of Allah! And Allah is Knowing, Wise "al-Tawba 60.
_sadaka the Prophet SAW said "Charity erases sins just as water extinguishes fire. "
_riba: we use the interest money to build or reabiliter toilets in slums and buy diapers for adults with disabilities 100% (we must keep in mind that this gift does not report any Hassanat since this money is to base illegal!) **
material: _ clothing for men, women, children, baby
_chaussures men, women, kids, baby
_matériel childcare (chairs, bottles, change mat etc)
_jouets (small cars, Lego, dinette, etc.)
_fournitures school (notebook, colored pencils, pens, school bags, aprons etc.)
_matériel medical (drugs, acetaminophen, compresses, bandages, insulin, etc.)
_articles home (blankets, curtains, sheets, towels, dishes, etc.) **
actions: the essence of our problem is here and may Allah have mercy on all those who can help us in this: it is in fact the difficulty of getting donations to Algeria or so if all those who come to Algiers we can take with them a small bag that Nirma would be great and if those who come by car can take this example which is heavier it would be a huge step for us ... may Allah reward you for that if wal dounia akhira
** invocations: the most Help is just precious and especially your do'as .... invoke Allah Ta'ala for those people who are your brothers and sisters in Islam:
Q'Allah alleviates their suffering ...
Q'Allah eases their hardships ...
Q'Allah give them a favorable outcome ...
and also for us minfadlikoum:
Q'Allah gives us the means, strength and patience to continue our actions ...
Our watchword is transparency we try to keep you informed about our best current actions by writing report monthly activity reports and photos sent to each donor that wishes so you can see or is your donation went ...
We work actively to create a website that will showcase our inchallah and a way for you to contact us quickly and easily ... Allah ta'ala makes us into this!
If you have any questions or if you want to help us you can reach us at:
HELP U.S. TO HELP THEM ... Salam Alaikum WA WA
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Full Kates Playground Sets
The last day (22/11/2008) firmware of the iPhone included a major change in the mapping software Google Maps: Maps.
functionality of Google StreetView has been added. This feature is really surprising and can view the street, a roundabout as if you were there.
Using StreetView is not very intuitive which is why I offer a quick tutorial illustrated.
The first step is to open the application plan. It sits on the places that interest us: let's say the Place de l'Etoile in Paris
StreetView is available from the outline view or Satellite mode (it's your choice). To activate it, place a marker. For this, we need the locations if possible be referred to the center of the screen. It supports image bottom right of the page that pops up.
Replace is pressed on the mark and we get:
Note the little orange icon on the left to drag the guide. If you wait a few seconds, the place name appears Drag the marker.
If you press the icon Orange you switch to StreetView (I guess the little white man symbolizes the pedestrian who walks us through the streets of Paris).
StreetView mode requires holding the iPhone in landscape mode. The small circle on the lower right shows our location on the map. The lighter area indicates our view angle.
You can use your finger to rotate the view and discover the Arc de Triomphe:
Sometimes when you turn you see a line on the ground with arrows.
Those are the axes you can browse with StreetView, you will be able to advance in the following. There is also the name of the street which is inscribed: it requires to look down: Use your finger to it (a movement from top to bottom).
To go forward, press the arrow you see in the distance. Attention, we must advance slowly and wait a bit between shots.
If you want to go faster do not wait until the image is displayed and press the arrow again. You can press several times in a row and advance more quickly. The small circle is updated, you can monitor your progress.
StreetView To exit simply press the circle. Returning to view the map.
And voila, we made a tour of the StreetView feature of the iPhone 2.2 firmware.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Indian Freeadultmovies
Helping a mother in Algeria, has just given us the plight of this mother, here's the situation:
"This is a young woman, mother of 4 children machallah she saw in a container town. A few months ago she had breast cancer, it has been a removal of the diseased breast. Since she
treatment unaffordable.
This treatment is that cancer does not return. This treatment ranges
over two years with one injection every three weeks. Each injection costs, 180 euros.
There are already more than a year of treatment she had, it was down earlier today than 9 injections (ie 1 620 euros).
Her husband and her family since early treatment is constantly running around every time try to raise the money and it starts every three weeks. Come
their help.
Send your donation stating that: Algeria
Orphans Association Atlas
29 Rue Charles-sample
Apt 119 93 300 Aubervilliers
PS: The medical evidence is available on request from you.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Expired Ativan Effects
Many iPhone v1 have been bought there over 6 months. If this is your case you can unlock it legally. Once unlocked you can use your iPhone with another SIM card from another operator.
The procedure is relatively simple:
- it begins with a call to customer service Orange: 700 from your mobile or 3970 from a fixed line. Type 9 to speak to a counselor.
- Councillor will ask you the line number and the IMEI of the iPhone. It is available in Settings -> General -> Information and IMEI or just the back of your iPhone.
- After checking that it does much more than 6 months that the iPhone is in your possession, it requires an email. That Apple will send this email to the procedure to unlock the iPhone
- few days after this call (1 day in my case) you will receive an email describing the procedure.
Before following the procedure, it is desirable to synchronize with your PC. It may be helpful in advance to ensure you have the latest firmware version of the iPhone. I had not done and the procedure differed from that described in the email and I could not avoid installing the 2.0.2.
The synchronization procedure is:
- Connecting your PC to the Internet. This is fundamental because I think iTunes will check on a site that Apple may well vote unlocked iPhone.
- must connect your iPhone to the PC.
- must press the Restore button
- If like me the version of the iPhone is old, it displays the message below, you that the choice to opt for a restoration and updating. It will install the new version.
At the end of the process, it indicates that the SIM Locked. We must unlock it by typing your code.
At the end of the process, you should see the following message:
You only get the choice to continue, he proposes to reconfigure your iPhone
for me I chose the option Restore from backup.
After a few minutes, your iPhone is finally unlocked.
Now if you turn off your iPhone you can change the SIM card and put it to another operator. You can turn it on, you can use to call, your address book and calendar in his ever-present. In fact only the network has changed.
You can synchronize and update your iPhone with iTunes without problem.
In conclusion, the procedure is simple although it may be a bit long. I was very surprised at the willingness of the adviser Orange. We just have to ask.
Warning! The procedure may suggest that we can unlock your iPhone, making a Restore. This is not the case, the procedure must check in a database it is possible to unlock it.
iPhone in the series, you can read these other posts:
- Prepare for the iPhone and Outlook sync
- Feedback from the iPhone
- Use WiFi with iPhone : whether his personal box or a WiFi hotspot
- How to sync your iPhone with a new computer?
Monday, August 18, 2008
How To Make Yogurt Starter
The origin of this post resides in a reaction to the misinterpretation made by several consumer sites to a press Mediamétrie: increased traffic from the iPhone is due to a change of habit due to 3G.
Médiametrie is an organization that monitors the hearing of different broadcast sources: traditional TV and radio but also Internet. The study can be found here mediametry:
study Médiamétrie
The study shows an increase in visits iPhone from between the first and the second fortnight of juilet 2008. This increase of 33% is important.
On statistical point of view, it corresponds to a mechanical change due to the increase in the number of iPhone: if we take the figures published by Goldman and Sachs (see this article: http://www.mobinaute .com/154722-goldman-sachs-67-000-iphone-ecoules-france.html ): Orange has sold 150,000 iPhone v1 (present before 17 July) and has sold 67,000 iPhone v2 during the first week. The number of iPhone therefore increases by 45%, we expect an increase in Internet traffic the same order, Médiametrie is 33%: we must allow time for Orange to activate iPhones v2 and their users to find their marks. These figures
mediametry do not mean much, at least not what this article in Le Figaro iphone-g-give-more-want-to-surf-on-web-.php : "Obviously, the connectivity of the new iPhone 3G offers better web experience than was offered with the previous version, whose connectivity is limited to the EDGE network, half as fast "
No, Médiamétrie figures shows that iPhone users 3G iPhone does not use them more than the v1. The speed difference is not a determinant of use. This does not mean that the experience of web browsing is not better with the iPhone 3G but it has not encouraged more users to use their iPhone.
Using Internet iPhone
An earlier study of mediametry (including the original no longer online, but there is a trace there: / 02/26/Les-habitudes-de-surf-des-possesseurs-diPhone-Francais-disseques-par-Mediametrie ) shows that users of the iPhone has internet use down : Internet consultation is traditionally stronger in the days worked. The study shows that iPhone users have Internet traffic that is growing by 26% at weekends (instead of down 15%).
The release of the iPhone 3G in the middle of July falls therefore misplaced, because it will not assess the behavior of Internet iPhones during the holidays: traditionally attendance down 12% from Médiamétrie. We could analyze whether the iPhone user consumes more or less on holiday internet.
figures published for July 2008 show peaks on Sunday 20 and Saturday 26 and Sunday 27. It remains So a view to use the internet significantly increases the weekend.
week of the iPhone user is likely to prefer the browser of their job, on weekends it tends to use more than the iPhone.
Since I do not think the average user of the iPhone does not have a PC / Mac at home: it would be interesting to understand the reason for this use:
- launch faster and lighter than the Using a PC
- use under the constraint of mobility: it is not at home
- more ...
Personally, this is the first answer.
iPhone platform fun
Another figure those are the 60 million applications downloaded from the AppStore in a month, we see that the game applications have pride of place as shown in this article mobinaute:
Rankings iPhones applications which are paid or free are monopolized by gaming applications.
It is also surprising that the figures announced for key applications like Facebook, the game Tap-Tap Revenge is the order of a million downloads. These figures are
consistent with the use of Internet from an iPhone: its primary use is personal. Conclusion
If contrary to what some would suggest some sites quickly, the iPhone 3G has not yet revolutionized the habits of iPhone users, several trends suggest that the iPhone is essentially a flat -form of entertainment:
- iPod
- use Internet
- buying games
And despite all the efforts of Apple to allow commercial use of the iPhone 3G.
The fierce competition that seems to deliver the editors games and the catalytic effect of this competition that ensuring AppStore may reinforce this aspect of platform games.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Cost Of Iceland Honeymoon
This note describes the operations to a new computer when the iPhone is synced with the old and we hope that future synchronizations are made with the new computer. I remember one
iPhone will sync with one computer. The test was done with two Mac OS X one another, in 10.4 Leopard. However nothing seems to be specific to the Mac world and this should be the same process to two PCs or between a PC and a Mac.
For information, I also a note explaining that it is possible to wait for the synchronization of an iPhone including the transition from a Palm to an iPhone: Prepare for the iPhone and sync with Outlook .
Sync an iPhone
First, a quick reminder about the synchronization process to an iPhone.
syncing the iPhone through iTunes. To date, August 2008, only applications can use Apple iTunes and synchronize. Third-party applications can not use iTunes: Apple offers no API for developers as the FAQ explains the software Evernote.
Accordingly, the synchronization process iTunes is the only one to allow for synchronization with PC:
- the photo: Photo enforcement
- music and video: iPod application
- contacts applications used by phone, call, SMS and email
- calendar: Calendar
- bookmarks from Safari: Safari application
Target applications on the computer are for:
- the photo: Photoshop Album (on PC), iPhoto (on Mac) or record music
- and video: iTunes
- contacts: Outlook (on PC) and Contact (on the Mac)
- calendar: Outlook (on the PC) and iCal (on Mac)
- Web bookmarks: Internet Explorer (on PC) and Safari (on Mac)
For Photos, Music & Video, information on iPhone can not return on the computer. For this information, they must be transferred from one computer to another.
For contacts, calendar and bookmarks, synchronization allows fusion of information between those from the computer from the iPhone. For this information, it is not necessary to transfer information between two computers.
Preparing synchronization of the new computer
The first step is to synchronize iPhone with the old computer: it will have a backup in case of trouble. If you want to retrieve all the appointments calendar, it is desirable in the Info tab to go to the Calendars section , there is a checkbox "Do not synchronize events with more than ...". If the checkbox is checked, the iPhone contains only the last element. If you want to retrieve all the appointments, it will uncheck the box to pass all events on the iPhone.
The second step is to update iTunes on the new computer in order to avoid a compatibility problem due to an outdated version from the version of the old computer. Warning! The update to iTunes on a Mac requires the administrator password on the Mac.
The third step is the transfer of photos from one computer to another: it is copying files. In my case I used a USB key and I did an import images from the USB into the iPhoto application of the new Mac. I created a new iPhoto album to hold all the photos I wanted to have on the iPhone. This mechanism is not very evolved, it was sufficient for me because I was concerned that Photo by thirty.
The fourth step is the transfer of music from one computer to another: it seems that the copy of the directory: HD: Users: UserName : Music: iTunes: iTunes Music suffice. I have not used this method because I wanted to incorporate other music, so I copied my directories as a File -> Add Folder to Library . It is interesting to note that this will select several directories. So, I connected the new computer's iTunes Store (using the old login) and ask for a recovery images of covers: Advanced Menu -> Getting album artwork . This allows for a nice Cover Flow with lots of beautiful pictures.
It may be necessary to repeat a playlist that will be used to limit the iPhone sync to a subset of the library especially if it is very important and beyond the capacity of the iPhone.
Sync with new computer
We connect the iPhone with the new computer. iTunes launches. In my case, I was not in sync automatically. The iPhone appears in iTunes but the list does not fire the Sync not.
It selects the iPhone.
tab Abstract , I checked:
- Only sync songs
- Manually manage music and video
In fact, it is likely that it is not useful to change information. What is important is the Info tab.
tab Info must check:
- Sync contacts from Address Book
- Sync iCal
Those are the cells that trigger synchronization.
In the Advanced category there Replace information on this iPhone , check that are clear:
- Contacts Calendars
Those are the boxes that ensure that the contents of the iPhone will not lost.
Press the Applied .
The following message appears "The iPhone" iPhone UserName "is synced with another iTunes library. Would you erase this iPhone and sync with the other library." Answer Yes.
The following message then appears: "The information on iPhone iPhone UserName "is synchronized with another user account. Would you rather sync this iPhone with the information on this account". Choose the answer Merge .
synchronization starts and a message appears "Syncing with iPhone ... will modify more than 5% of your contacts on this computer.". The message indicates the number of contacts that will be added to the computer. This must match the number of contacts contained in the iPhone.
Press Synchronize contacts .
A new message appears: "Syncing with iPhone ... will result in changes more than 5% of your calendar on this computer. "
Press Synchronize Calendars
Applications iCal and Contacts are updated on the new Mac. The information in the iPhone are stored.
Note that in the Calendars section, there is a checkbox "Do not synchronize events with more ...". If the checkbox was checked, the iPhone contains only the last elements and the application will contain only these events.
Keep passwords
Finally, I give a trick to keep his passwords associated with a Mac. I guess the majority Mac users have never been concerned with the conservation of the Administrator password. Similarly when you create an iTunes account to activate your iPhone, you do not care. This is unfortunately only a few months later, during an update or a change of the computer problem.
What I propose a simple mechanism is relatively safe (ideally biensur never to record their passwords). Security exists only if access to your Mac and your iPhone are protected by passwords.
You can create a contact in the iPhone:
- Name: Account
- Name: Mac
In Item Note you can type the passwords for your Administrator account for the Mac and one for your iTunes Store account.
Take care, all the same password in iTunes Store account that can be used to make purchases on the iTunes Store. In this case, it is better to also protect access to its iPhone by a code. Choose the iPhone Settings application. You have two lines:
keylock. I recommend 1 minute
Lock code that brings a new menu. It allows you to require a 4 digit code (which can be the same as your PIN) to connect to your iPhone. For my part I have chosen Require Passcode after 5 min. This means that if I turn off and I immediately rekindled my iPhone, I do not ask again the password. It asked me if I let it put out more than 5 minutes. This is handy on the subway, where one is forced to turn off his iPhone up and down the train, but where they would also quickly rekindled his iPhone. Conclusion
The transfer mechanism of the synchronization of an iPhone from one computer to another is not very complicated. It requires some time: it is mainly time to copy music between two computers (8 GB to copy what is not instantaneous).
Finally, in a version 2.0 of the iPhone OS, it may be necessary to synchronize the AppStore applications to authorize the new computer (this requires knowing the password to his iTunes account) . To do this, in iTunes select the menu Store -> Authorize Computer ...
I did a post on the feedback portion in 2.0: Experience installing the iPhone 2.0 and 2.0.1 . In the series
iPhone, you can read my Notes:
- Feedback from the iPhone
- iPhone, Wi-Fi, Orange and Internet : explaining how to use their iPhone over Wi-Fi
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yonex Nanospeed 9900 Canada
I spent the week weekend of July 14 to version 2.0 of the iPhone. Note that I have not changed my iPhone, I just updated its operating system.
The weekend of August 10, I performed the update 2.0.1.
I propose to you of the installation problems encountered and my first experience of use.
Install iPhone 2.0.0
I remember that I used an iPhone "Orange" and therefore not jailbroken without any application installed. I was in version 1.1.4 (the one that precedes the 2.0).
Synchronization is done from a PC running Windows XP SP 2.
Updated iTunes and sync
I started to update iTunes, now in version (to be precise).
I then saved my Outlook contact database: Select First Contact in Outlook, then select the File menu -> Import and Export ... Choose from the list, the line Export to a file then click Next. Then choose the file format: File personal data. pst. Press Next. Select the node Contact and check "Include subfolders . Press Next. Select Replace duplicates with items exported and select a file name for export.
Once saved my contacts folders, I did a sync with iPhone. It proposes to update its OS that I refused the first time. Data synchronization of the iPhone starts. After a few seconds, a message asking me to confirm the modification of a large number of my outlook contacts with those for the iPhone (the very large number must correspond to the numbers of my contacts). I accept this amendment. For a contact, there is a problem: I have to choose between a contact-type firms or individuals. I opt for an individual without quite understanding what is happening. The timing continues without any particular problem.
It seems that the new version of iTunes appears to be capable of transferring additional information from iPhone to Outlook. This information seems to be the type of contact firms or individuals. This change will update all Outlook contacts. I have not seen or This information appeared in either Outlook or the iPhone.
update the OS of the iPhone
I then tried an update of the OS: Version Download and Install. Almost immediately, iTunes crashes. The update process has not begun. I try several times and same result.
then I opt for the Download. The download goes well. I note that the download is about 200 MB With only 30 MB available on my iPhone, I decided to clean house to move to 250 MB of free space.
I run the installation that becomes available once the download has completed. The installation takes several minutes. The sequence of events correctly until an error message 1014 appears. The installation is blocked. iTunes asked to do a restore. I
triggers a rollback. He tells me he will install the latest version available (in my case 2.0). He directed the restoration. I leave it connected, it automatically starts syncing the iPhone.
Profit after half an hour, my iPhone is well past 2.0 and the complete data is available. The only restrictions are that it must re-enter their PIN (Like every sync) and has lost the protection code that was enabled.
analysis PROCESSES makes me think:
- he is not able to correctly handle the absence of sufficient available disk space on the iPhone.
- The space seems to be about 200MB. I recommend you increase it to 250 MB: I have 100MB at the end of the process
- version 2.0 appears to require more than 150 MB version 1.1.4.
The problems I encountered may be specific to my laptop: the USB connection is a source of problems for the iPhone and iTunes. Apple seems to use different protocols such as transferring data but also as a camera, this requires drivers of motherboard to date.
I know for example that my synchronization causes a blue screen (with a Windows reboot) if I took a picture with my iPhone. Apple's site recommended updating the BIOS (something I have not done since I do not use the camera).
In conclusion, the process seems not quite to the point: a crash and an error. Because of these errors it is time consuming (more than half an hour). I think Apple should make an effort on the management of USB connections PCs (I have a Dell laptop, it is therefore not an exotic platform).
The iPhone OS 2.0
These misadventures are they worth the trouble? That's what we'll see in this second part.
The first innovation is changing the Home screen: Icons and Contact AppStore are emerging. Contact
- provides access to your contact list. This amounts to going through the phone application. Apple fixes what I would call an inconsistency in their interface that was not overly intrusive, but who has put them at ease more than a new user.
- AppStore is the application that provides access to the catalog of installable applications on the iPhone and install the one you want on your iPhone. It is also possible to install from iTunes.
Application Contact
Application Contact offers a welcome improvement: it becomes possible to do a search. To do this, you must press the little magnifying glass at the top of the alphabet. It may be necessary to go back a bit because in fact the area is before the first element of the list. The research takes place on the selected contact group.
The Research is carried out on the fields Name and Company. The contents of the note is not taken into account in research.
is a definite plus that makes good service, it remains to Apple to add the same ability to search the calendar.
The location is changed from GoogleMaps. He now asks for confirmation of your wish to be located by this application. The request is repeated each time. GoogleMaps for this regression. But this is made necessary for reasons of safety, since this feature is available to other applications.
It becomes possible to manage multiple Outlook Calendar: a personal one for work, one for appointments of children ...
synchronization to multiple calendars that do not work on the original works now. On the other hand, there are at the display a little colored ball indicating how the calendar belongs appointment. Displaying all go together is much better than in Outlook. It shows all the appointments together in one schedule by prepending a color code as opposed to juxtaposed as in Outlokk calendar.
To know, if you show good all schedules, look up you should see Calendars (All).
It is still possible to display only the appointment of a timetable by reducing their choice to one calendar. Calendars button at the top left reduces the choices to a calendar.
It is not possible in the iPhone to change a calendar appointment (if you have inadvertently assigned an appointment calendar desktop instead of the house affect the schedule), it is nevertheless possible Outlook: Edit the appointment, in the File menu , choose Move to a folder ... This feature allows you to move an appointment from one calendar to another.
regression occurred: an appointment calendar calendar (the default Outlook) added or changed in the iPhone is not updated in Outlook (this problem is fixed with version 2.0.1). Application
Access to certain site becomes possible, this site using https with certificates not always valid. In my case, the use of the application WebMail Exchange has become possible where previously there was nothing happening.
notes updated indicates better management of SSL. In my case, I have actually noticed an improvement. Note however that I managed to access other https sites before. It does in my case involved only one site and 2.0 solved the problem.
AppStore Applications
The novelty of the 2.0 is the ability to install applications from the iTunes AppStore module.
An application can be installed directly from the iPhone if a WiFi connection is available from iTunes or the PC.
With version, the installation from iTunes, it was enough to connect. Following the last day, a message indicates that this PC is not allowed and the application is not transferred to the iPhone.
menu iTunes Store, there is a submenu Authorize Computer ... . By activating this menu, it is permissible to allow the PC (it seems to be possible to allow up to 5 computers for an iTunes account). The applications then synchronize properly with the iPhone.
I take this topic to indicate 3 applications that are particularly interesting. Application
New York Times
This is one of the applications available in the News section. This application is a reader of the New York Times. It is free and requires no account New York Times (unlike the website). Certainly he must identify himself with his iTunes account, so in terms of the NYT it's the same.
The advantage of this application is how to download items for consultation offline.
The NYT site indicates that the synchronization requires 3 to 5 minutes in WiFi mode and between 20 and 30 minutes of Edge. Is the load time that I actually found in WiFi mode (3-5 minutes).
French users of the first version will probably have been surprised to see an application that is on the way Uploading with no item loaded and it well beyond 5 minutes.
A software anomaly (known NYT) required to switch the language but most formats (including date and phone number) in the U.S. version. Subject to this amendment, you have an iPhone in the English language formats USA phone number (Grouped by 3 digits) and a reader of the NYT that loads items. The following versions have corrected that problem.
The application loads a large quantity of items (more than ten per group) which is far more than did AvantGo in the early days (6 months) from my Palm.
display of an article is 1-2 seconds faster and takes into account any photos.
A small band like the iPod application or Phone dispose bottom toggles from one section to another. The 3 main sections are accessible configurable.
A small banner advertisement appears just above the navigation bar.
This application is very interesting and enjoyable to read articles in the RER. It should nevertheless consider load items at home or when you have a WiFi connection.
Application Locly
This application uses the mechanism of localization whether the GPS or GSM positioning the iPhone v1.
From this location (albeit less accurate in GSM) it offers the possibility to find restaurants, gas stations ... located in the area.
Surprisingly, this software in English works fine including in the campaign. It is more pleasant to use than the tracking system provided by Orange.
Application EverNote iPhone
This application allows you to take notes. Note taking can be a voice note using his iPhone, a photo taken or the good old typed note.
notes the iPhone back automatically on the website. It is possible to use a Web application to view or modify. There is a plug-in for Firefox and Internet Explorer that keeps notes as part of a web page.
notes being stored on the Web, it seems appropriate to me to grant a limited level of privacy even if they are not shared with other users.
For each note, you can assign one or more tags. To create a note from the iPhone it offers to a location in order to add GPS coordinates.
Notes be changed from the iPhone.
This application is intended to be used as a notepad for the iPhone: if something interests us, or we create a voice memo or takes a picture (eg table at the end of a meeting, or a card, or for the fans, a label of a bottle of wine ...).
is the same principle for the Web, for example if you're looking to buy an item, but there may be elements of comparison by selecting a piece of web page, one can note the price displayed by a site ... In fact
EverNote is particularly interesting to note fragments information.
version 2.0.1 of the iPhone
iTunes is updated, it goes to version
The new OS version (2.0.1) corrects the problem of calendar synchronization with Outlook.
I had no problem during the update but I updated my BIOS and several drivers for my PC since updating to version 2.0.0. So I can not say if this is the update that is more effective or whether the operation of USB drivers which is better.
I encourage anyone who has made the 2.0 update to 2.0.1 also.
I feel like I have found that :
- with 2.0.0: the appearance of the keyboard and touch typing could be particularly slow
- with 2.0.1: this slowness disappears.
I did not make any measurement, it is just an impression.
Other new versions 2.0
Import contacts from SIM card
It is possible it seems to import SIM contacts of the card. I have not tested this possibility because it did not exist in previous versions. In
Setting , heading Mail, Contacts, Calendar displays a button (almost to the end of the setting page) entitled Import SIM contacts.
I guess he can retrieve contacts from the SIM card, but I have not been tested.
Choosing a contact
I do not know if it is new in 2.0 or if that possibility existed before. I just recently found this opportunity.
When making the choice of a contact from the Messaging or SMS application, it is possible to type a letter or several letters, in this case, it appears a list of contacts that contain the input string (in the name, email ...). It is then possible to select the contact.
This mechanism is very interesting.
Other functions of the iPhone
I take this opportunity to indicate some unknown functions of the iPhone already available in previous versions.
It is possible to create a screenshot of the iPhone by pressing the Home button (the one below middle) and the power button (on the top right) same time. The screen flashes once and it is possible to retrieve the image created in the Images section and film.
Quick View Controller iPod
Pressing twice on the Home button (the one below middle), it shows the control buttons on the iPod: it can stop or start playing a song music. There is no need to enter their PIN code or lock code.
Other elements of the 2.0
It is also possible to connect with Exchange. This requires that the module is installed Exchange ActiveSync on the Exchange server. This is not true in my case, I have not used this possibility.
I found that the push associated with a permanent geolocation was very energy intensive. It is therefore recommended to use these options if necessary. In this case, reloading daily will probably be welcome.
Conclusion I highly recommend the passage in 2.0.1 which increases the possibilities of the iPhone and improved features like searching for a contact or managing multiple schedule. In the series
iPhone, you can read my post:
- Prepare for the iPhone and Outlook sync
- Feedback from the iPhone
- Use WiFi with the iPhone : whether his personal box or a WiFi hotspot
- How to sync your iPhone with a new computer?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Toy Story Portable Dvd Player
A quick note, which extends the use of web services such as JAX-WS when they use types of dates.
dates are relatively common in data management applications: weird dates have not generally need a precision to the millisecond. Personally, I always struggle to understand how age with ten years of Java can be as complicated as a basic functionality.
Recently, I discovered that for a specified date in the WSDL type xml xsd: date, were obtained with the utility of jBoss wsconsume XMLGregorianCalendar Java type. This also seems to be the standard for web services.
Given the difficulties encountered to make a type java.util.Date, I preferred to share this information. Either a
dateWSNaissance XMLGregorianCalendar from my Web Service.
For its value to type Date: Date myDate =
dateWSNaissance (). ToGregorianCalendar (). GetTime ();
In the return direction, to transform a date XMLGregorianCalendar is longer:
GregorianCalendar = new GregorianCalendar GCalendar ();
gCalendar.setTime (myDate);
dateWSNaissance DatatypeFactory.newInstance = (). NewXMLGregorianCalendar (GCalendar)
That's it for this post.
I recall the address of my tutorial on web services with JAX-WS: Tutorial Web Service with JBoss 4.2 .
I also have a long tutorial on the 7-step implementation of web services with Axis2, which begins with this note: Web Services with Axis2 Tutorial: Contract First Approach
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Edward Jones Investments How They Make Money
I have help to configure a BlackBerry 8820 recently. I take this opportunity to deliver some of my impressions and some tips.
The Blackberry is a nice size (much thinner than its predecessor): it is a bit wider and thicker than the iPhone but a bit smaller. Its finish is neat but its plastic appearance gives an impression a little toc next to an iPhone.
The BlackBerry browser is fast despite the GPRS (on the SFR network, lack of 3G is disadvantageous). Unfortunately, his speed is due to the weakness of its features: it does not seem to handle JavaScript, it displays the images one after another. In practice to really share a site dedicated, its use is not at all friendly (especially for an iPhone user). The flash is not available (like the iPhone).
To be able to type any address, you must type Y, it will display the input area of the URL.
The Blackberry has a GPS but I could try that procedure and it did not work. I note that it must be enabled and disabled: This should help limit energy consumption.
Officially it supports WiFi: I have not seen the menu for this option and the WiFi was not working.
Its keyboard is very nice indeed : More than the touch screen of the iPhone.
Using the calendar is very pleasant and efficient for finding a contact. The information display is still penalized by the size of the screen: it limits the fun side but does not hinder its effectiveness.
Recovery SIM card contacts
Blackberry (unlike the iPhone) to retrieve the contacts from the SIM card. One has the impression that the configuration software retrieves contacts but this is not the case.
To do so, he must start from the main menu (use the back arrow or the phone red). We choose the Address Book application. By pressing the Menu button, it brings up a menu. Choose Directory menu SIM card : the list of SIM card number appears (It starts with service numbers).
By pressing the Menu , was a menu that allows you to call but also Adding menu. Address Book or Copy everything in the address book . The first concern should contact one another all the personal contacts of the SIM card.
To copy its numbers in the SIM card, select Menu Copy everything in the address book (note that this menu only appears if you are on a personal number). It takes a little time. Once finished, use the back arrow to return to the list of contacts. It has been updated.
Why Do My Gums Feel Swollen?
After two months of intensive use of an iPhone, it's time to take stock.
My iPhone is used with the Orange standard subscription (49 € 2h +2 h internet "unlimited" and 10 hours of Wi-Fi HotSpot Ornager). It has not been "jailbroken" and there is no third party application was installed. I moved from early January to 1.1.3 firmware and mid March on version 1.1.4.
I'll rely on my ticket Should I buy an iphone? A review for this first alternative feedback.
What the Iphone?
Judging by my use, my equation iPhone = Mobile + Video + MP3 + PDA + Internet + Email
My average daily iPhone:
- 1h MP3 (music and audio podcast)
- 20 minutes Video: video podcast of the newspaper ABC
- 1h Internet in which half the Edge and other Wi-Fi on my Freebox. Daily
- in PDA for appointments and my contacts. I also used to keep notes
- Everyday I go two or three times a day my personal emails. I'm not a big consumer of this feature
Almost two hours of phones per month (which is huge in light of my previous consumption).
My daily consumption of the iPhone is close to 3 hours, which forces me to reload every two days.
I find the size of the iPhone remarkable, lightweight and its size makes it possible to forget it in a shirt pocket. I was previously a Palm m505 and I find them as light as the other one, instead of printing that left me with the BlackBerry, Nokia N95 or Sony Ericson upscale.
Part MP3 Iphone
My iPhone serves almost exclusively to store music: it contains nearly 1,200 pieces of music or a little less than 7 GB of music.
I do not change songs. I have a list in iTunes iPhone that would allow me to update the songs on my iPhone.
I also use iTunes and the iPhone for podcasts.
I have no problem to access various pieces of my club, the interface is intuitive, fast and efficient. The interface of the Iphone is a tool to exploit no problem twenty GB
Personally, I would probably have opted for the 16 GB if it had been available at the time: I have over 20 GB of music on my PC.
The audio quality of the iPhone is superior to my old Archos 400 and my Nokia 3250.
Warning! the ecosystem of the iPod is not fully available for the iPhone: the majority of the docks for the iPod are not compatible with the iPhone, a message warns you of incompatiilité and offers to spend the iPhone in audio mode. you can listen to music but I'm not sure it is very good for your iPhone.
The telephony part of the Iphone
I'm not a very big consumer of mobile but I must admit that the possibility of having all of my contacts in my iPhone has greatly increased my use of the iPhone.
I had no reception problems in the Paris region but also in small remote villages.
The sound is good, it sizzles up and break the ears, so it must be down with the same buttons to lower the sound of the MP3 party. This medium, listening is comfortable. U.S. on iPhones to version 1.1.1 it seems that there were people who found the sound volume of the telephone insufficient. In version 1.1.2 and later, this is no longer a problem: it must not be even better at most.
The grip of the iPhone to use as a phone by referring to the ear is natural: we did not feel like putting your ear to a PDA like the Palm, its width less (6.1 cm to 7.5 cm iPhone cons of the Palms) makes it feel similar to traditional telephones. The helmet provides
allows hands-free phone and take calls or reject them by pressing the little microphone. I find Very comfortable and convenient.
The iPhone is the first notebook in which I use the speakerphone function. It is intuitive. And this is the first phone (mobile and traditional) on which I can leave the headset. The famous
Visual Messaging is a real plus: you know that you left a message, you can go directly to the message of your choice without having to listen to all messages, if you misunderstood a phone number you can go slightly back (such as when listening to an MP3) to just listen to the song you want without having to undergo a lengthy replay message.
For SMS, I love the opportunity to follow a conversation with someone like SMS and IM software. I use very little text but I find the touch screen of the iPhone a boon to their writing. Since the firmware 1.1.3, you can send an SMS to multiple recipients.
I recall that the iPhone does not allow sending MMS (multimedia message).
In short, the phone function of iPhone may not be revolutionary (though the visual messaging is) but it provides ease of use well above the vast majority of other phones.
Part Video of Iphone
The iPhone screen is remarkable. The 480x320 of iPhone and its 3.5 inches diagonal can enjoy comfort for viewing video.
Before my purchase I was a little skeptical but it is a feature I use a lot: I find the comfort of the screen very good. I recall that when viewing comfort depends on the angle of view (the ratio between screen size and distance) that offered by the iPhone looked at half a meter is identical to that of a 32-inch viewed at 3 meters. I watch only
podcasts video information. The couple iPhone + iTunes is very convenient: iTunes automatically download podcasts and transfer them to iPhone. No conversion is necessary for that.
However, it seems necessary to convert DivX others before their transfer to iPhone.
Part PDA the Iphone
The PDA function of the iPhone is not revolutionary but a great quality: the synchronization does not pose a problem (my post on the subject: http://jl2tho ). It is possible to make an appointment or change a contact on the iPhone and sync with Outlook.
The quality of the screen of the iPhone can offer great comfort in consulting contacts or appointments.
Its touch screen (like the Palm) allows browsing of appointments or contact very effective (much more than the solutions to dial some smartphones).
Taking notes on the touch screen of the iPhone is a level equivalent to that of the Palm with the stylus. The touch screen of the iPhone is quite specific and suggestions that appear during the seizure can save valuable time.
Surprisingly, entering new contact or appointment through the interface "touch" the iPhone is much more enjoyable and effective than the already very accomplished Palm: Apple promotes choice among several options by pressing or selection by turning a wheel. At first glance, it seems that it is heavier than the seizure by the keyboard or the stylus to these data: in practice the opposite.
I take a lot more easily an appointment or contact directly on the iPhone than I did with the Palm. I met people who when they had never entered a contact on their Windows Mobile SmartPhone, had added fifty contacts on their iPhones in two months.
Find a contact or appointment with the iPhone is very effective (much more than a Palm). The only limitation of the iPhone is that it is not possible to investigate a string of arbitrary characters (first name, nickname, phone number ...).
UPDATE August 2008: Version 2.0 adds the search strings in the Contacts application.
I used on my Palm applications include:
- agenda
- Contacts
- Go Before I could afford to retrieve items from several newspapers during a connection quietly and read offline in the subway.
- A mapping application MapViewer: I do not use GPS. But the fact is that the GPS functionality seems to be very popular on PDAs.
- An application to determine a route by metro
- application notes.
It is clear that each has its own list of applications with those that are essential and which are not. Listed
iPhone Calendar and Contacts functions are largely at the level of those of Palm and other smartphones.
GoogleMap and the possibility of using the Internet (including ) largely replaces the mapping application MapViewer. I constantly throughout France on me which was not previously the case. Since 1.1.3, it can even be localized (rather loosely) by GSM geolocation. GoogleMap provides a list function that gives clear instructions to follow a route. On the other hand, the integration between the contacts and I can not GoogleMap before determining a route between the addresses of two contacts (copy / paste is unnecessary).
Recall that geolocation is not a GPS (much less precise and does not allow continuous monitoring): GPS addicts have to wait or go their way. Today there is no application and plug-in GPS to the iPhone even though many solutions seem prepared. It will probably be summer 2008 to see the first solutions. Note that the following item, 39044300,39380224,00. Htm indicates that only 2% of owners of smartphones using GPS (its usefulness is therefore perhaps not so important).
For metro, I use the mobile site ratp (, as a bonus it provides hours of real time passes coming into the RER station of my choice.
Edge coverage is enough to almost always be connected even in the subway. The online mode was not a concern for me but instead a gain with respect to previous applications.
To Go Before It's the same, I use the Internet to connect me directly to websites. I must wait in the RER a minute before seeing my article but I have receive the latest information. Again, the gain of the online mode over its inconvenience.
UPDATE August 2008: Applying New York Times is a very good substitute for AvantGo for the NYT. Release has an equivalent Web version (without installation).
The Notes application on the Iphone can be synchronized with a PC or Mac. This bothered me because it allowed me to store multiple types of information. I bypassed the problem by creating contacts for a particular type (see my post on the subject: synchronisation.html )
The bet that Apple seems to want to force developers to produce web applications, in hindsight seems to me reasonable. Apple provides an SDK for developing applications dedicated not connected to the Iphone that will increase the interest of the iPhone as a mobile office.
For my personal use, the iPhone is superior to the Palm as a PDA: my only regret is having to use Outlook instead of Palm Desktop application.
More generally, I think that apart from large users of embedded applications such as Excel or Word, all other users will find their account largely in PDA features of the iPhone.
The PDA is the email
I'm not addicted to email and email functionality of the iPhone satisfies me especially since version 1.1.3: it improves the functioning GMail (IMAP mechanism). Thanks to this, if an email is read / deleted on the Web in Gmail, it appears as read / deleted on the iPhone and vice versa.
The push is not available on the iPhone (unlike the BlackBerry): you will not be immediately notified of the arrival of a new email. You will need to manually refresh your inbox or even configure it so that it periodically or automatically (eg every hour). Personally I am so far remained in manual mode.
UPDATE August 2008: Version 2.0 of the OS can make a push to BlackBerry Exchange.
link to the email application with the Contacts application is very convenient.
The link to the Microsoft Exchange e-mail is not possible but should become so in July. Personally I have not managed to use the Webmail Exchange server (on my iPhone, it asks me my login information, then the page will not load: he works in a vacuum). Therefore, if your interest email based on the connection to your corporate server Microsoft Exchange, you must wait until the new feature is available. If you are interested in access to your personal email, I think the iPhone is remarkable.
UPDATE August 2008: Synchronizing with an Exchange server became possible with version 2.0. On the other hand, the 2.0 has solved my problem connecting to the Webmail Server Exchange.
The Web is the Apple Iphone
much news around the functionality of its Web browser: The couple
- size / resolution of the screen make comfortable reading.
- The ergonomics of the Safari browser used to move and read it properly any webpage.
- The processor power of the iPhone and the Edge allows a display in a timely acceptable web pages
In practice I use a lot of functionality to view Web sites such as World News. In the case of the World, there is no mobile site for iPhone, displaying a webpage Edge Standard mode requires a full minute. In WiFi mode, consultation on the same site is much faster (about ten seconds). Mobile sites like the New York Times appears in about twenty seconds in Edge.
Package € 49 Orange iPhone is very convenient because it allows the use of WiFi hotspots Orange or those of partners (this includes almost all the public hotspots).
Reading sites is very easy thanks to:
- the screen size
- the screen resolution
- the mechanism by tapping twice on a column of a web page to zoom in adapting to the relevant column the width of the iPhone.
The iPhone does not support Adobe Flash or Java. Adobe seems to want to add flash support to the iPhone through the new SDK. Steve Jobs says that Flash technology is not compatible with a machine like the iPhone because of limitations of power and memory. Personally, the statement of Steve Jobs leaves me incredulous : Flash should be more efficient than the JavaScript that is supported by the iPhone. I suspect that Apple is using the notoriety of the iPhone to increase the share of QuickTime for distributing video (its main competitor is coincidentally the flash).
In my case, this limitation does not bother me.
Conclusion As you guessed, I'm perfectly happy with my iPhone as 84.8% of these users (see the NYT article: = 149198 & f = 24 ) and I do not regret any of the features of my Palm m505.
Although my equation the iPhone is first and foremost: iPhone = Mobile + Video + MP3 + PDA + Internet + Email, its superiority is obvious for Video and Internet with the quality and size of its screen. The same section of the NYT says that for these two uses of the percentage of iPhone users is double that of other smartphones.
So even though the iPhone lacks 3G, various studies show that the smartphone is the most used to go on the Internet (million iPhone arrives in absolute value almost the same level as the millions of Nokia smartphone ).
What I find unique in this phone is the integration work between different applications:
- can spend Contacts GoogleMap
- can press a number appearing in an email or web page (Pagesjaunes kind) to call the phone number
- link Contact and messaging
This integration gives a great comfort and great peace.
Today I do not regret any compromise of the iPhone:
- life between charges of two days at the expense of 3G
- no Flash or Java in the browser
- absence Push-in emails to the benefit of a highly efficient integration of GMail or Yahoo Mail.
UPDATE August 2008: The Push is available during the update of the OS to version 2.0.
The iPhone is therefore a wonderful device: it is specifically designed for people who want to view video and internet access.
To get a feedback on version 2.0 of the OS (while using an iPhone 1st generation) see my post: Experience installing iPhone 2.0.0 or 2.0.1
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Implantation A Week After Period Ends
Hamza is a young boy of 12, he was hospitalized for several months at Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat.
This child has diabetes, which resulted in his cardiac complications. It is the oldest of the siblings. He has three younger sisters. His father died several years ago following a work accident, the two younger sisters Hamza had two weeks.
A French resident at the time was proposed to adopt two small and Hamza, the largest begged his mother to never separate them. It's a very sad story. The family received no compensation and lives in a small room generously lent by a family for a specified time. This room will soon be razed by the authorities. To date, we have no precise date and hope this family can keep a roof over his head for a long time. The mother can not afford to care for her son, she could count on your help. Until now you've brought your help up to 800 euros at 2007. Allowing Hamza to receive care.
Today, the situation is critical, the mother must pay 2 sessions (300 + 300 DIRH) (50 euros) if she wants her son to remain hospitalized and treated! Hospitalization costs 300 per week or dir Dir 1 200 per month (100 euros). We want to help you through Hamza but we also hope that his mother and especially her 3 sisters can go to their brother they have not seen for over a year.
ps: mark on voting donation: Final Cut Heart Hamza, the medical evidence are available on request.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Open Prestolock Search Alert
From 11 February 13, stood at the Congress Palace of Paris, the Microsoft TechDays 2008.
This is the second edition of the event (for the record that of 2007: ) and seems to be Microsoft's most important event in the world even if it is only for the French market.
He has not changed, I take much of my comments last year: This is a lecture series on three days, each day started with a plenary conference. The
conferences or sessions each lasting one hour. Many are held in parallel printer: there were twenty rooms plus three amphibian (the number of sessions, a marked increase over last year).
It is absolutely not possible to attend all lectures. But these are recorded and should be available by webcast on the Microsoft site.
When registering online (free), it was possible to register for different sessions. Note that these entries do Donnet no guarantee of a place. Spaces are provided on a first come. Unlike last year, room allocation should be more in tune with the near-inclusion and suddenly, it was rare to find themselves back at the entrance to a meeting. On the other hand, if too strong attendance, some sessions were replayed on Day 3.
Each conference lasts one hour. The technical level of players is very high. The speech is not polluted by marketting: that art brute. Anyway, the audience is very technical and do not miss the slightest deviation marketting.
An hour is short to make a technical presentation of a product: Every presentation is access on a technical aspect of a product. Do not expect training on this aspect of the product: however it is quite possible to know what the product is capable of, and limits and the work required to use it.
To me this opportunity to understand both the adaptation of a product is needed and necessary efforts to implement them techdays make an event extremely interesting. Given the success
persistent sessions (including even on the third day), I infer that this opinion was shared by many.
There was a large booth space (on two levels). The stands were more partners this year. I had nothing to do with individual. I have not tested the relevance of demonstrations and quality of technical contacts.
There was also an area that can handle different products. I have not tested this space.
is undoubtedly an undeniable success for Microsoft: a world full of sessions and impressive. The second day, Microsoft announced that 5400 participants at the initial meeting pélinière (compared to 4500 from the previous year). In fact the lecture hall was full 3 days.
Microsoft claims 16,000 registered for Techdays.
The organization is clearly improving and taking advantage of Microsoft's experience last year was better calibrated rooms and sessions. So we had this impression of less clutter and too busy as last year. Topics
Topics covered are numerous: it ranges from R & D to production, through the methodology. We will develop products to the revenue.
The variety is great and does a session one aspect of the product. A product is usually covered by a series of several sessions.
products in vogue this year
- linq: the solution mapping object / relational Microsoft. This is equivalent to Hibernate or JPA in the Java world.
- Silverlight: Microsoft's Flash competitor
- The new suite Server: Windows Server 2008, SQL Server and IIS 7 which 20,008 were unveiled in a preview
These three products caught my attention because they almost always appear in each session. Of course, we talk about Visual Studio, SharePoint, Biztalk ... but these first three products seem to be ubiquitous.
R & D Microsoft
I have attended two presentations on this subject:
- MultiTouch interfaces
- The new OS Singularity
Multitouch Surface After last year, it seems less surprising, especially as iPhone also been there.
points highlighted are: since the invention of the mouse 40 years ago has changed little equipment: a screen, keyboard and mouse. It is therefore natural that the GUI is little changed.
Today and Tomorrow with LCD screens OLED screen becomes more portable and easier to use (if screens flexible that already appear).
The screen goes mobile: it is more difficult to associate input mechanism as a keyboard and mouse.
Furthermore, the screen with greater flexibility and a larger number may be used (in the case of interfaces Surface). Again, the mechanisms of entry must be shared.
In short, Microsoft is considering new entry mechanisms can be used in mobile contexts and sharing. The solution of choice for Microsoft Labs is the hand holding a camera or an IR stereo camera.
solutions touch (like the iPhone) do not seem interested in the labs of Microsoft Research.
Singularity OS fundamentals have not changed in fifty years:
- Resources are scarce either power or memory
- The environment is benevolent: the network is closed and users Experts are
Today, machines are massively multi-core, memory is plentiful, but the environment is not benevolent and users not always experts.
Research abandons the Singularity old fundamental to try to build a new OS that is robust against intrusions.
axes techniques used are:
- the use of safe languages as an even more managed C #.
- programs must be sealed during installation: it is no longer possible to load the dll for example. It also helps to reduce program size because it is possible using an algorithm of "Shake tree" to remove unneeded modules including in the runtime.
- a bus inter-process communication is available for the exchange and communication: there is more sharing of memory but the message exchange.
- All processes must turn in the ring 0 of the processor. It no longer relies on hardware barriers to ensure safety.
Symposium DNG
DotNetGuru assured several conferences. I have attended two presentations:
- Domain Driven Design
- VOLTA by its founder
Domain Driven Design
The announcer said a small book free online: / domain-driven-design-Quickly for those who want to become familiar with the concept.
A summary of the session is available on the site DotNetGuru :
My understanding of the subject: multi-tier approaches away from the design object: the object is actually stripped of his methods that are carried by the service. DDD seems to be a response to this finding.
The interesting point, in my opinion, the approach is its concept of DDD Aggregate: a functional point of view, objects are effectively combined, there actually is often a master object.
I subscribe also in agreement with DDD when it considers the layers of traditional DAO little use: whether Microsoft or Linq JPA and Hibernate in Java, these solutions relational mapping and object are powerful enough to liberate themselves from the DAO layer.
I also find it interesting to make visible the business objects and not to make them disappear behind the service layer. However, this does not solve two other problems:
- A lack of consistency in development: some methods will be worn by the subject, others (those who handle multiple objects in particular) will be carried by a Factory class.
- Some operations do not need and should not publish all properties a business object: the service approach solves this problem simply, DDD not the only solution proposed by the speaker leads to a proliferation of business objects.
Still, if the DDD does not respond to any issues, it provides interesting answers.
It is an approach using annotations in VB to change the behavior of development (like the annotations in EJB 3.0). The main objective is to support some aspects of the problem Asynchronous:
- response is not immediate
- order responses is not guaranteed: a response of an issue next oldest little crush a response later.
VOLTA provides a partial answer with the use of TimeStamp.
Personally, I do not quite understand the enthusiasm of DNG respect to this presentation.
SOA by MicroSoft MicroSoft
highlights three workflow solutions and SOA
- Windows Commmunication Fundation: This is a set of APIs for building almost everything. But it will also build the server and all infrastrcuture.
- SharePoint: Microsoft seems to distinguish SharePoint Server and MOSS. I do not always make the difference. For me it is a portal to provide document workflow. BizTalk
- : This is orchestrating several applications
Oddly, while BizTalk does not seem to have changed since last year, it appears in the presentations as more mature and coherent. But I am less interested in BizTalk and I am not down in the details. This may explain that? Microsoft
3 types of WorkFlow:
- the sequential state machines driven
- Rules (less important to Microsoft)
Microsoft distinguishes WorkFlow more human and adhoc (SharePoint) Workflow of more mechanical and procedural (BizTalk).
MicroSoft seemed much further back on the SOA as the previous year. It discusses approaches to trade AdHoc call REST services and left side of type approaches Organization business and SOAP.
S + S and Internet 4
Several sessions were titled S + S Software and Service. This is the workhorse of MicroSoft: mixing traditional Windows applications (software) applications available through the Web (Services).
personally I have no worries about using software that installs on my desktop as Word or Windows Live Writer that I use to write this post. But I feel that this concept S + S is a pure object marketing. The examples were often refers to both a Windows application. Net and traditional Web application, but I've never really seen what compelled me to make a Windows application: My impression is that if the development tools MicroSoft are good, I should not have reason to develop traditional Windows. Unfortunately, it seems that there remains a significant productivity gap between development and Windows development Web.
In theory, SilverLight should further reduce this gap which makes it even more surprising message S + S.
The session focused on the fact that the Web prefer a lightweight protocol for RSS and REST service protocols as the most comprehensive web services and SOAP. The need and rationale for the users so push to publish its business data format REST making access easy for everyone.
In practice, companies do not want to change and such access as easy and favor a stronger contracting. But it is certainly responsible for missed opportunities. The announcer offers interesting architecture for storing in a buffer such requests until a human validation.
In practice it is as if the service charge was triggering a stub sends a message to a validation process human. The human validation aimed to initiate the service call.
SQL Server 2008 and IIS 7
Being far from the administration I have only attended two sessions on these two products, however, very honored.
Items that have me arrested for SQL Server 2008:
- the concept of location-based coordinates in SQL Server: there appears a field capable of storing information on a point or even a zone. Through the presentation we had the impression that SQL Server 2008 is able to search fairly sophisticated as intersections or adjacent areas ...
- Full Text Search is improved: the system is returned in SQL Server (previously it was shared with IIS). This allows efficient use of complex queries. Clearly, in previous versions using a Full Text search resulted in a complete scan of the table. In 2008 version, if the rest of the application reduces the number Record the scan is limited to that subset. There are other improvements on the Full Text search in the administration as an opportunity to better understand how an expression is parsed.
- the Input Stream: it's acting in a solution which allows for streaming on a binary file. This file is stored in a directory on the file system, but his administration is handled automatically by the server. A request to retrieve a database handle is a GUID generated automatically. This solution of particular interest to video enthusiasts.
For IIS 7 and Microsoft Server 2008 innovations resident especially in the administration area. Not the game, I was surprised to learn that all these things were not possible before. In short, the administration web server pool becomes extremely easy to 2008/IIS 7.
other hand, the server and IIS 7 became very modular: there is even a version of MicroSoft Core Server 2008 without a GUI. MicroSoft compares this approach with that of Apache and highlights the possibility of limited what they call the attack surface: the number of activated modules may have a flaw. Conclusion
The TechDays 2008 were at the height my expectations. I feel that Microsoft has leveraged its organization of the 2007 edition to make this session more enjoyable.
The information it can get very technical and cover both Microsoft technologies but also other areas.
confess find very interesting sessions made by teams of R & D Microsoft.