We already have been using a little over a year Google Sites as a tool for collaborative work. A few days ago we launched an experiment with Google Apps to to replace our Exchange server. Surprise, I am unable to connect to Google Sites. It turns out that the account used to login as Google Sites is not a GMAIL account but my business email: as one who has passed Google Apps.
The symptom is very specific: when I log into Google Sites, I am redirected to the Google Apps login pattern. If I use my Google Apps password, I connect but I do not see the site.
Looks like I have two accounts that correspond to the same email address:
- first as an isolated indivu: that is the allows access to my Google Sites
- the second as a member of a company whose account is managed by Google Apps
Google Sites seems to check if there is a Google Apps account and corresponding switches to the latter s it exists.
Google Docs separates the two environments, the urls for Google Docs and Google Docs for personal Google Apps differ: it is possible to separate the two connections. So I have no problem with Google Docs.
To solve the problem Google Sites, I used the following procedure that allowed me to change the login staff corresponded to my professional address (say prenomnom@masociete.com )
For this, we need another email address that does not staff assigned to Google (say alias@yahoo.fr to facilitate understanding of the maneuver ).
It connects to https: / / www.google.com / accounts / ManageAccount to access account information prenomnom@masociete.com . You use your personal login with a professional email ( prenomnom@masociete.com ).
It arrives on the Google Accounts page. In the Security section, there is a link "Modify your e-mail". Click it.
The Edit email address (URL https: / / www.google.com / accounts / EditEmail ) appears. In
new e-mail you your work email address that corresponds to your account ( prenomnom@masociete.com ). You must enter another email address (alias @yahoo.fr ). Enter a password. And press "Save the e-mail"
You will receive an email asking you to confirm the address by clicking on the link. Click the confirmation link in the email.
Once confirmed, you can reconnect account using the new email address (alias @yahoo.fr ) and the specified password.
Warning! This change also affects Google Docs, iGoogle, and all other services. It is now possible to reconnect to Google Sites with the new email (aka @yahoo.fr ).
I hope this post has allowed the other to resolve the incident that happened to me. Note that this procedure can change their login to a Google Account.
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