Lemon Soap Dish French Crapote zest for generations, while our hands at the sink bassinent a zealous and careful movement. Light chatter when you're with others, dreams most often in solitary, but always the same tools, sponge and squeeze bottle to take this small bath. Pressure when the foam is too light, a little hot water to dilute, steam clean we are reassured. Fat is degummed by citric acid, the kitchen smells of hot lemon, sour and metallic, you could almost forget the color of the final broth bowl. In recent years marketing has tried a few notes of modernities. Vinegar, red fruit, cocktail grapefruit / lime green flowers in our regions. But nothing helped. The French is its citrus pressed. Sake of efficiency. Proved. Tested. For many families of housewives under 50 years, and more obviously.
Originally the choice of the corona, a U.S. company, which had the clever idea of a lemon-scented dishwashing liquid, at a time when France still know at Marseille in sequins.
for hand care, lemon. Not for the dishwasher.
Simply because at that time women took care of the whiteness of their skin, and that our grandmothers used to spend their hands in lemon juice for bleaching, cleaning their nails and destroy the miasma of peeled vegetables.
Before all things, seduce women with a scent of truth.
Over the years, the term "care lemon" was gradually replaced, unless we become aware, through the principle of "pickled lemon. Whatever the hand, is the dish to be bleached. Change of manners. Evolution invisible but inexorable society that moves its centers of priorities and adapts to everyday movements to a new present. Small changes in our habits, without apparent turmoil.
Today. Sniff.
Our benchmarks are changing before our sinks.
Lemon slowly is the trunk, and will also zester. The wind of organic, natural and aromatherapy breath under our noses. The air of nothing, before the end of the radius without our supermarket hand hesitates, advance, and then withdrew. Lemon? And first, why lemon? What is the scientific reason?
herbs from the garden is good.
more natural than lemon, and less aggressive.
Basil, Eucalyptus and Rosemary, thyme and savory are the new bullies of fat and dirt, which over the market, save our environment. Clear, green label, small insects and garlands of herbs: all is said on the bottle! The benefits of vegetable and tea together, for the happiness of our planet, and our hands. Clean up
bobo is the new creed
And for our sinks
A new scent!
anethole, camphor, and the entire pharmacopeia ...
Meals and speculation
For all the ways
The last dish water remains constant over the decades: disorder and Maroni.
As for the smell, we all agree: disgusting!
Dishes ... damn.
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