Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Facebook Chat Birthday Cake

broken ... Money has no smell

Hot Topic. Concern of a generation. Since the 80s, money buys happiness. Odor and flavor of a consumer society. Tickets
have a particular stock depending on paper used. During my travels I found the softness of the dollar note olive green pound English bowl of cereal, oatmeal variety, French francs, Swiss franc wooded, and peppery notes almost metallic notes of Laos.
parts per cons have a universal scent of dirt. Acid and sour with a back aroma of molasses, mix of sweat, grease and dust variety.
Cards do not talk much. Virtual money, they are satisfied with a tiny whiff of raw plastic, barely raised when the nose goes to the tape. Imagine if one day soon the banks still in the mood for profit advertising, offering credit cards to fragrance of your choice: strawberry, chocolate, floral, woody or coconut to soak up a feeling of satiety at each handling up to indigestion ...?


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